Slow Travel

Lovedesh Luxe Dawat Tour
Ten days trip, that showcases some of the luxury travel. Experiences of Bangladesh as identified by us through slow travel, slow fashion, and food.
From its rich rural culture and fine dining experiences to eating honey collected from the home of the Royal Bengal Tiger. Eating coconut alone on a small island on one of the longest sandy beaches in the world.

Lovedesh Heritage
The Lovedesh NRB heritage is a chance for those who perhaps disconnected or lacking experience in traveling to Bangladesh, yet his/her comes from Bangladesh. We want to help let them visit Bangladesh as a holiday but as well as giving them to unearth and scout out the secrets, knowledge, and experience of their blood relatives.

Lovedesh Retreat
Lovedesh Retreat is shorter weekend, ked by a British yoga instructor. To allow the adults and the children to leave their phones behind and to join in, and experience the peacefullness, lushness, and solitude of visiting Bangladesh.
More about visiting Bangladesh
Lovedesh Valise

Lovedesh Mint Vint